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Anti-Sikh Riots

October 31st - November 3rd 1984

After the assassination of Indira Gandhi, the Sikh Genocide began. Her son, Rajiv Gandhi was appointed as Prime Minister right after her death. That night the genocide was planned. Rajiv Gandhi assigned MP Sajjan Kumar to conduct the attacks. They both planned their attacks overnight. The anti-Sikh riots took place in India, specifically in Delhi and Punjab. The 3 main cities where people were attacked in were Sultanpuri, Mangolpuri and Trilokpuri. This genocide took place over a span of 3 days. From October 31st - November 3rd over 8000 Sikhs were killed. As stated above, on the 31st of October, planning of the genocide began and gangs were sent out to start killing innocent Sikhs. It lasted till November 3rd. In three days, almost 3000 Sikhs were murdered in Delhi and the human rights of thousands more were violated. An estimated 8,000 – 17,000 Sikhs were killed in 40 cities across India. Thousands of Sikh

property were destroyed and looted. Sikh’s were murdered, lynched, had acid was thrown on them and burned afterwards. Women were also raped and treated as slaves. Perpetrators carried iron rods, knives, clubs, and combustible material (including kerosene and petrol). Congress Party leaders went on a rampage against Sikhs in Delhi and other cities. Gurdwara's were the first targets and a curfew was created. Sikhs were targeted in a strategic and coordinated manner. Weapons were distributed by Congress party leaders. Rewards (money and liquor) were given to those who killed specific Sikhs, same as the Rwandan genocide. These items were provided by government officials. MP Sajjan Kumar said that "not a single Sikh should survive". Right before the killing, the Congress party provided assailants with lists. The lists had the names of Sikhs who were difficult to find because they were in unmarked neighbourhoods. Lists were used to mark Sikh houses with an "S". Members of the mob did not know how to read so Congress Party officials provided help reading the lists and leading the mobs to Sikh homes. The goal of this genocide was to silence Sikh voices and silence the demands Sikh’s were making regarding their want for self-governance of politics and religion. 

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